Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Apollo Moon Rocks - Part 2

Assertion 4 - Materials not found in Earth rocks are common to meteorites

Now the sideways shuffle is implied. He has so far, indicated that the Apollo rocks are from Earth, now he is moving to the assertion that they are in fact a combination of Earth rocks and meteorites! Bunkum.

We have already established that Earth rock have the same oxygen isotope ratios as Moon rocks, and that neither have anywhere like the same ratios as those found in non-lunar meteorites. So wherever this contention goes, it is already doomed to failure.


"Jarrah says that NASA's moon rocks are a combination of meteorites mixed with earth materials. He also plays an interview with Dr. Richard Hartman several times in his video series, but apparently, he never paid attention to what D. Hartman actually said, because Dr. Hartman directly contradicts Jarrah's claims.

He then goes on to say that some of NASAs moon rocks are meteorites because they contain radiation. But, as Dr. Richard Hartman points out, moon rocks and meteorites have different oxygen isotope ratios because they came from different parts of our solar system, making it impossible for NASA to pass one off for the other.

Not only is this claim a contradiction to his earlier bogus claim that Moon rocks are identical to Earth rocks, but most meteorites that are found on Earth, by weight, are iron or stony-iron meteorites that, unlike moon rocks, are loaded with high elemental iron.

The next most abundant type of meteorites, the common chondrite, is composed mostly of silicate minerals that contain chondrules. These meteorites are also unlike moon rocks, which do not contain chondrules.

Except for the radiation emitted from meteorites, they are completely different mineralogical, chemically, and most significantly, because they came from different spots in our universe, they differ in their oxygen isotope ratios, which was the evidence that Jarrah previously used to prove moon rocks were the same as earth rocks. You can't have it both ways Jarrah."


1. Meteorites not of Lunar origin differ both chemically and mineralogically from Earth and Moon rocks.

2. The oxygen isotope ratios are completely different.

Assertion 5 - Von Braun collected the Moon rocks from Antarctica
Let's put this into perspective. If such an expedition was undertaken, would NASA send a rocket engineer and the technical team, or would they send recognised geologists? Why would they highly publicise such an event, if the objective was to gather meteorites for fakery?



"Regardless of how Jarrah hypes Antarctica as a haven for Meteorites, only four meteorites were discovered in Antarctica between 1912 and 1967 (55 years), while nearly a hundred were discovered anywhere except Antarctica, between 1912 and 1917 (5 years). As for lunar meteorites, that is meteorites that actually resemble NASA's moon rocks, only 29 out of the 129 known to exist came from Antarctica. Before 1969, Antarctica was not considered a rich source of meteorites in general, and since 1974, more lunar meteorites have been found in Oman than in Antarctica, so Antarctica should have been the last place on earth NASA would have sent a rocket scientist to look for meteorites to pass off for moon rocks."


"On Antarctica, decades ago, Admiral Byrd named a 4,085-foot-high summit “Mount Wade” after the geologist. Among the letters that Chatterjee first found upon arrival at Texas Tech was one addressed to Wade from Wernher von Braun (1912-1977), one of the most important rocket developers of all time. Von Braun was searching for a secretive locale to help train the United States’ earliest astronauts. Wade pointed von Braun to Antarctica."!

"Jarra White cites wikipedia, which is updated by members of the public. Somebody had added the incorrect paragraph suggesting that the one week trip was a meteorite gathering expedition! It was later removed, as it originated from the mockumentary by Aren Ranen "Did We Go?"!

White then alleges that wikipedia was adjusted to cover this up! The original note was added with a citation for an edition of Popular Science, when the edition quoted, had no reference to meteorite gathering whatsoever! Indeed, it classified the trip exactly as it was stated:-


White claims that Antarctica was a veritable goldmine of meteorites since 1912 when only 4 had been found between that time and the Antarctic expedition in 1967 - none resembling a Moon rock. In that same period of time, many more were found in places such as Texas!!

In 1969, Japan found only 9 meteorites during their own Antarctica meteorite gathering mission! In total, 129 meteorites ever found, after analysis, show that they originate from the Moon and only 29 from that total came from Antarctica. The first one to actually be found as a Moon rock was in 1979 and recognised as such after elemental ratio tests were finalised in 1982.


Assertion 6 - Meteorites were made to look like Moon by removing the outer melted layer
A ceramicist could not simply chip away at meteorites and make them look like moon rocks. There would be obvious tool marks left behind and it would rob the meteorites of most of their Helium-3. It's a moot point anyway, because meteorites and moon rocks have different oxygen isotope ratios.


Any tool used would leave trace amounts of metal and would be impossible to miss. The most concentrated portion of helium-3 is located on the outside of the rock from constant solar wind ions allowing a shallow penetration of the rock. Chipping away the outer layer would indicate no such evidence of solar wind induced helium-3, and that in itself would be evidence of tampering.

Since non lunar meteorites have completely different elemental and isotope ratios, predominantly oxygen, it would make no difference anyway!

Neon 21 and Argon 38 are two other isotopes found in Lunar rocks. White completely ignores these and other isotopes, iuncluding the difference in the oxygen isotopes ratio, he already debunked himself on that during part of an interview he quoted.

Even now, we don't have particle accelerators powerful enough to soak rocks with high energy atomic nuclei to duplicate the effect of millions of years of solar radiation, cosmic or otherwise!

Part 3...